The Wrath of Khan


Original theatrical release date: 1982.
Stardate 8130.3.
Spock is killed when genetic superman Khan escapes from imprisonment on Ceti
Alpha V, commandeers the Starship Reliant, and uses the secret Project
Genesis to win revenge on James Kirk.  The story is a sequel to [the Original
Star Trek Series] "Space Seed".
"Space Seed", Stardate 3141.9 was episode number 24 which aired in 1967.
   ** Note **
   Above synopsis information taken from:
   The Star Trek Encyclopedia: A Reference Guide to the Future.
   By Michael Okuda, Denise Okuda, and Debbie Mirek.


The U.S.S. Reliant is on a scientific exploritory mission to discover a dead
moon or planet upon which the Genesis Device may be deposited, to complete
the third and final stage of the Genesis Project.  They arrive at what is
presumed to be Ceti Alpha VI, which later is discovered as Ceti Alpha V.
A landy party, consisting of Captain Terrell and Chekov, ensues and is
captured by Khan.

Khan then places the last known animal life form of Ceti Alpha V into
their bodies, with which he is able to maintain some form of mind control.
Khan then hi-jacks the Reliant and sets a course to the Regula 1 Space
Laboratory.  After arriving at the Regula 1 Space Laboratory he then tortures
and kills just about everyone, but has to leave to intercept the Enterprise.

Upon interception of the Enterprise Khan attacks the ship and crew, trying to
enact vengence upon Captain Kirk.  Kirk, by the skin of his teeth, saves the
ship and crew, but the Enterprise is left crippled.  Kirk and party then go
to Regula 1 and investgate.  There they find the trasporters left on and also
find Captain Terrell and Chekov.  Kirk and company then procede to follow
"where ever [the crew of Regula 1] went".

Having caught up to the crew of Regula 1, Captain Terrell and Chekov hold
everyone at phaser point and are ordered by Khan to kill Kirk.  The attempt
fails but Khan beams the Genesis Device to the Reliant.  Some verbal tormen-
tation is done by Khan to Kirk, and Kirk and crew seem trapped.

Later we have communications from Spock and Kirk and crew go back to the
Enterprise.  There in Kirk challenges Khan to a "rematch".  The Enterprise
then sets course for the Mutara Nebula, where a test of abilities and skills
is done.

Kirk and the Enterprise are victorious, but unfortunately Spock has given his
life in order to save the ship.  A memorial service is held in Spock's honor
and we pan across a new planet.


This is probably the best original cast and crew Star Trek film of all time.
The Wrath of Khan is a great film, and has one of the best Starship strategic
battles seen in a Trek motion picture.  The most gross intense part of the
entire film is when Captain Terrell and Chekov and forced into having the
last known inhabitants of Alpha V enter their bodies through the ear, what a
sight - it makes the head hurt just watching it.

The references to life and death runs as a string throughout the picture,
and comes to a very dramatic conclusion when Spock saves the ship and crew.
Through his belief "that the needs of the many outweight the needs of the few
or the one" Spock heroically offers up his life to save his comrades and the
Enterprise herself.  The scene between Kirk and Spock in the engine room has
to be a gut wrenching feeling for anyone who has a true friend.  Forget all
the hoopla behind the creation of the picture concerning Leonard Nimoy not
wanting any longer to be associated with Star Trek, the style in which this
scene is done we are privaledged to see, in dramatic form, that the best gift
a friend can give is to lay down his own life for another.

This second installment of the Star Trek pictures also shows a revamp in the
uniforms for the crew.  This has to be, by far, the best change.  The crew
is no longer in pastels, but are dressed in darker and richer colors which
proudly display the confidence of the United Federation of Planets.